If you choose to place an order on our website there are a number of things you will need to provide so that we can get our amazing product out to you.
You name, address and payment information will be held on our website for at least 6 months, after which, if you have not ordered another product, your information will be removed from our website by way of deletion.
Your payment information may include your email address, information that you have provided to PayPal or Square but will not contain any other information, excepting your name and address.
We are not interested in taking any more information from our customers and we will not provide any information you give to us to any other party.
You will not be added to a mailing list or receive a newsletter, we will not contact you with offers or further information. If you would like to join in on our community and have contact with us, please follow our Facebook page.
We believe that our customers should be able to purchase and enjoy our product in peace. Purchasing a product on our website will not leave a bad taste in your mouth. Our commitment to you is no spam, no sales pitches and no sharing of your information. Our product speaks for itself, that is all the marketing we have ever needed.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us on Facebook and we will be delighted to answer your questions until you are completely satisfied.